The combination of acupuncture of gradient zones (zones of maximum biological activity) of the affected metamer with the simultaneous injection of medicines possessing neuroprotective and neuroregenerative effect form the basis of the metameric health technologies developed by Dr. Bersenev.
The basic medicine is Cerebrolysin, which is a nerve cell, split into biologically active amino acids and peptides. Cerebrolysin is produced in Austria and Germany. There are practically no contraindications for its use. The only occurrence when Cerebrolysin should not be used is the presence of an epileptic attack. If necessary, other certified medication with neurotrophic and neurometabolic activity (Ceraxon, vitamin B complex, Nucleo-CMF, Neuromidine, Cortexin and others) is used. In total, practically about 15 medications are used in the pediatric unit of the clinic. Thus, virtually “building material” is injected into the affected nerve structures, thereby improving and normalizing the work of the nervous system.
Metameric injections directly affect the nervous system. Medicine is injected directly into the nerve trunks. Injections are directed to areas and structures that have lost their natural functions. Usually, we inject medication into the child’s legs and hands, neck and shoulder blades areas. If necessary, the injections are performed into facial area to restore the brain stem function (speech!) through the receptor fields of the trifacial nerve.
In the same way, it is possible to normalize salivation, because due to a facial nerve malfunction the child’s semi-paralyzed lips do not “hold” saliva. As a result of this pathology some newborn babies refuse to nurse, they do not suck well and not swallow.
Multiple medicine puncture of the compromised zone leads to normalization of all three types of disorders: sensory, reflex and trophic.
We use one piece syringes with short and thin needles, so the painfulness of medical procedures is minimal. These procedures are well tolerated by children.
There are practically no contraindications to metameric injections.