The author of the metameric method of medical treatment, the Honored doctor of Ukraine, high level certificate neuropathologist, the member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine Volodymyr Andriiovych Bersenev was born on October 26, 1945 in the town of Kuressaare (Estonia). In school Volodymyr Andriiovych has already made a choice of his profession and knew a sure way, that he would enter the medical institute. Perhaps, his bright childhood impressions played the decisive role in choosing his profession; they say that they are a powerful determining and leading factor in the human’s fate. Now, many years on, Dr. Bersenev can assume, remembering how his parents alternately carried him in their arms at night, when he, a child, suffered a severe headache. And the visits to the doctors, apparently, were not something uncommon – the picture of a medical examination by the Estonian professor, who put the young patient in a Romberg pose (heels together, hands extended forward), was engrained in his mind. So it is no wonder, that Volodymyr Andriiovych dedicated his entire life to neutralization of the pain syndromes, study of pain as such and the development of curative programs for its elimination. In addition, he pays the high priority for the children neurology and to the pathology associated problems and regeneration of the child nervous system.
In 1968 Dr. Bersenev graduated with honors the Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute. Professor Viktor Demianovich Dyshlov, Head of the Arkhanhelsk Medical Institute, had engaged the student Bersenev in the science. At his insistence, Volodymyr Andriiovych had spent a part of the post-graduate experience in Kiev, and defended his master’s dissertation in 1970 in Lviv. Soon enough the professor moved in Kiev and invited his former graduate student to continue the research at the Bohomolets Institute of Physiology. So, since 1978 all of Bersenev’s achievements in the science and in the practical medicine are connected with Kiev.

V.A. Bersenev led a group of pathologies of the autonomic nervous system at the Institute of Otolaryngology. The results of the group’s work had drawn an attention to themselves, on its basis the laboratory of the pathology of the autonomic nervous system was established at the Institute of Orthopedics. The laboratory became a department of neurovegetology and pain related problems. Before the very end of Perestroika, department directed by V.A. Bersenev became a branch of the Kharkov Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry.
Studies carried out under the leadership and with the participation of Dr. Bersenev, drew attention of the leading scientific centers and the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which included these works among the number of the most important fundamental and applied researches. The collective of scientists headed by V.A. Bersenev, was entrusted to lead a program, which had been accomplishing by several dozen scientific institutions. For such an assignment – or, more precisely, recognition, – there were good reasons. The researches of Dr. Bersenev and his colleagues opened the way for the creation of effective applied technologies for medical treatment.
More than ten years after the collapse of the Soviet Union Volodymyr Andriiovych had been working in West Berlin and Geneva leading clinics, keeping contact with Kiev. In 1995 he founded and headed the first private scientific medical unit in Ukraine – the Institute of Pain Related Problems. Theoretical positions allowed doctor to create effective and safe methods of medical treatment within a relatively short period of time.
About the treatment of children, who are diagnosed with lifelong disability since their birth, is necessary to tell separately. With such terrible diseases, the treatment process drags on for many years. Therefore, a group of concerned people formed around the Institute of Pain Related Problems, because many families, which are often incomplete, cannot spend much money for traveling by public transport and living in Kiev. “Bersenev International Charitable Foundation” was registered with the assistance of the People’s Deputy of Ukraine A.V. Ermak. Thus many children receive the medical treatment.

In April 2014 a new medical center was opened at the address: Kyiv, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 10-B.
The popular science books of V.A. Bersenev (their number has already reached one hundred with a total circulation of more than 300 thousand copies) are a sort of forced measure for the author. In the sense, that the need for the application of the new techniques is enormous – 9 of 10 Ukrainians are suffering from spine osteochondrosis, and the possibilities of Bersenev’s clinic are quite limited. Doctor decided to help people at least with word and advice, to give a cue how to resist the disease. His books are based on the scientific monographs and scientific articles of the author, their number also exceeded one hundred. The medical methods, which are applied in the scientific discoveries of Dr. Bersenev, are protected by almost twenty patents.
Dr. Bersenev’s readership is really huge – there was already the 4th (almost 600-page) edition of the popular scientific medical book “Spine and pain”. And the 700-page of 2-nd edition of the “Third age patients’ treatment book” which tells how to extend active life and how to live without pain and illness for patients of advanced age. This direction is the third after treatment of all 187 spine syndromes and children with neurological insufficiency in the medical practice of Dr. Bersenev.
The main thing that was done by the doctor is a fundamental study of the regularities of neurometameric innervation of the human body. The technologies for an effective patients’ medical care with chronic pain syndromes and for children with cerebral palsy were developed on its basis.