10-B, Bul’varno Kudriavs’ka
Str., Kyiv City, Ukraine.
Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sat: 9:00 — 13:00
Sun: Day off
Доросле відділення
044 272 11 81
Дитяче відділення
044 272 11 82

Metameric massage

Many articles have already been written about the undoubted massage benefits, and it has long been known that this is one of healing means, along with sports and nutrition. Massage helps to recover from stress quickly and avoid diseases associated with constant nervous tension, relieves pain points, and relaxes tense muscles. It also reduces anxiety, normalizes the blocked energy flow, enhances the immune system functions, and restores a sense of calm and well-being. This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle.

In the "Bersenev's Medical Center" our patients have the opportunity to undergo a course of specific massage, METAMERIC ACUPRESSURE, which affects directly the nerve trunks, spinal ganglia, trigger points, and the main reflexogenic zones of the compromised metamer.

The acupressure had originated in ancient times in the eastern countries. Even the ancient doctors had discovered the local points on human body, which were described and systematized in the certain lines, channels and meridians. They had also described the functional interrelation between the points and the body organs and systems. These points were affected by the sharp stones, needles, wormwood cigarettes, through the finger pressure; a various kinds of wands, instruments and devices from different materials - ebonite, fluoroplastic, metal (steel, copper, gold, silver, titanium) were used at a later stage.

Depending on the local point technique, the method may be stimulating or sedative. For example, with a muscle tone increase, with contractures, spastic paralysis, cerebral palsy, as well as with the muscular pain, the “inhibitory”, “sedative” method of acupressure is used. With reduced tone, muscle atrophy, neuritis of individual major trunks, paresis, a “stimulating” (tonic, stimulating) acupressure technique is used.

Acupressure has a positive effect on the various organs functions and systems: it soothes or stimulates the nervous system, increases blood circulation, improves the tissues nutrition, regulates the endocrine glands activity, relieves pain, and reduces muscle tension. Separation of acupressure on neurotruncular, perivascular, sclerozone, muscular, etc. – is somewhat relative. During the nerve trunk massage, for example, the receptor fields of vessels, muscles, and periosteum occur simultaneously, as a result of which somatic and vegetative ganglia affect the various body functions.

During the massage, when pressing on the active points, the patient may experience a feeling of aches, tearing, “crawling”, numbness, slight pain, all this is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and ease.

Metameric acupressure is a unique and even more advanced technique of acupressure massage, taking into account all the laws of neurometameric body innervation.

This kind of massage is included into the complex method of metameric treatment; it is an obligatory part of the treatment program, complementing the effect of metameric injections

The method of metameric acupressure, which is developed by V.A. Bersenev, is theoretically substantiated by numerous scientific works, and the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by many years of practice.

The massage therapists, who work in "Bersenev's Medical Center", have previously trained this type of massage; they also have an extensive experience of working with patients of the neurological profile.

Metameric acupressure is carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician and in the absence of contraindications.

To make an appointment for a consultation or a treatment session, please, call (044) 238-22-31 (call centre). The booking is carried out by previous appointment.

Entrust your body to qualified and experienced massage therapists and get the maximum result from the procedure at the “Bersenev’s Medical Center”!

Cost of treatment with additional services
Array ( [сворачиваемое] => 0 [заголовок_блока] => [] [dop_services] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dop_name] => Full body metameric massage (metameric acupressure), duration 60 min [dop_price] => 600.00 ) [1] => Array ( [dop_name] => Metameric back massage (metameric acupressure), duration 30 min [dop_price] => 350.00 ) [2] => Array ( [dop_name] => Metameric legs massage (metameric acupressure), duration 40 min [dop_price] => 350.00 ) [3] => Array ( [dop_name] => Metameric collar and head zones massage (metameric acupressure), duration 30 min [dop_price] => 300.00 ) [4] => Array ( [dop_name] => Metameric arms massage (metameric acupressure), duration 20 min [dop_price] => 200.00 ) [5] => Array ( [dop_name] => Metameric head massage (metameric acupressure), duration 15 min [dop_price] => 150.00 ) ) )
Full body metameric massage (metameric acupressure), duration 60 min
Metameric back massage (metameric acupressure), duration 30 min
Metameric legs massage (metameric acupressure), duration 40 min
Metameric collar and head zones massage (metameric acupressure), duration 30 min
Metameric arms massage (metameric acupressure), duration 20 min
Metameric head massage (metameric acupressure), duration 15 min
Our staff
Oleksandr Shevchuk

Oleksandr Shevchuk

Massage therapist
Stanislav Kurtosmanov

Stanislav Kurtosmanov

Massage therapist
Додаткові послуги
Speech therapist appointment

A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.

A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.

A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.

A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.

Psychologist consultation is your chance to change your life for the better


The spine, keeping the whole skeleton in an upright position, is the core of both the whole organism and our Personality.

Family physician appointment

At the “Bersenev’s Medical Center” all patients can get a qualified individual consultation of the family physician Petlytska Victoria Vitaliivna, a specialist with decades of experience in this field.

Victoria Vitaliivna had gotten a special multi-field speciality training of “family medicine”.


Neurofunctional research methods help the clinician-neurologist to confirm the diagnosis, determine the degree and nature of lesion, choose the optimal treatment tactics and correct the possibilities of restoring the affected structures of central and peripheral nervous system.

Infusion therapy

Infusion therapy (intravenous administration of solutions of various drugs into the body) is currently one of the most important medical measures aimed to solve a wide range of medical problems. This method of treatment exists since the 30s of the XIX century.

This method of treatment allows you to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect, as the medicine enters directly into the bloodstream, and also allows you to control its action more effectively.

Kinesio Taping

Kinesio taping is the imposition and fixation of special elastic bands on the child’s skin for several days in order to provide physiological movements of the joints and muscles, activating the processes of recovery and movement control. Kinesio tapes are elastic cotton tapes coated with an acrylic-based hypoallergenic adhesive gel.

Orthoses Making

В нашем Медицинском Центре Вы можете получить изготовить индивидуальные ОРТЕЗЫ из термопластичного низкотемпературного материала.

Ортезы — это специальные ортопедические приспособления, предназначенные для коррекции, стабилизации и компенсации нарушений опорно-двигательной системы. Ортезы обеспечивают защиту и разгрузку суставов, создавая для них внешнюю поддержку. Ортезы -незаменимые помощники в лечении и реабилитации.

Corrective insoles making

Neuropsychology arose at the intersection of medicine and psychology. This is a section of psychology that studies the brain organization of mental processes: attention, memory, perception, speech, motor skills, thinking, and emotional responses.

Neuropsychology arose at the intersection of medicine and psychology. This is a section of psychology that studies the brain organization of mental processes: attention, memory, perception, speech, motor skills, thinking, and emotional responses.

Metameric speech apparatus massage

Масаж артикуляційного апарату або логопедичний масаж – це метод механічного впливу, який змінює стан м’язів, нервів, кровоносних судин і тканин артикуляційного апарату.

Doctor Bersenev explains
Double hemiplegia as a form of cerebral palsy
Double hemiplegia as a form of cerebral palsy
Double hemiplegia is the rarest form of cerebral palsy. It occurs in 1.9% of patients. The most common form is spastic diplegia. Usually, motor function is affected, in some children intellectual abilities may suffer as well.
Hemiparetic cerebral palsy
Hemiparetic cerebral palsy
Hemiparetic cerebral palsy is one of the most common forms of cerebral palsy. This condition arises due to abnormal fetal development, which leads to brain damage.
Atonic-astatic form of cerebral palsy
Atonic-astatic form of cerebral palsy
This form of cerebral palsy has several names: atonic, atonic-astatic, ataxic. Along with double hemiplegia, it is one of the rarest and most difficult forms of treatment.
Cerebral palsy: spastic diplegia
Cerebral palsy: spastic diplegia
Spastic diplegia is the most common form of cerebral palsy. It is diagnosed in 40% of patients, mainly in babies born prematurely. Disorders of the arms and legs are most characteristic of the disease, that is, tetraparesis is observed, but the legs suffer more than the hands
Knee joint arthrosis
Knee joint arthrosis
Knee joint arthrosis is a disease in which all joint elements suffer, but the most affected is a cartilage. This type of arthrosis is the most common disease. Another name for this is gonarthrosis.
Constant Fatigue: Causes and Solutions
Constant Fatigue: Causes and Solutions
Many women (especially aged) trat chronic fatigue safely, saying, it’s a normal, common situation. So it is in some cases. For example, if a person goes in physical labor.
Spinal muscular atrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy
Spinal muscle atrophy (SMA) is a severe neuromuscular disease caused by damage to motor neurons (motor neurons), which are located in the front horns of the spinal cord, as well as neurons of the motor nuclei in the brain stem.
Kennedy spinal amyotrophy
Kennedy spinal amyotrophy
Kennedy spinal amyotrophy is a genetic disease characterized by damage to motor neurons. These are large nerve cells responsible for maintaining muscle tone and motor coordination.
Kugelberg-Velander juvenile spinal amyotrophy
Kugelberg-Velander juvenile spinal amyotrophy
Амиотрофия Куберберга-Веландера – это наследственное нервно-мышечное заболевание, обусловленное поражением двигательных нейронов (мотонейронов), которые расположены в передних рогах спинного мозга.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked disease and is characterized by rapid progression of muscular dystrophy. This disease is caused by a mutation in the dystrophin gene located on chromosome X. That is why, as a rule, boys get sick.
Teens Lumbar Pain
Teens Lumbar Pain
Sometimes teenagers suffer from back pain. Most parents think that the child has pulled a muscle or is just tired. First of all, these are spine problems. Lumbar juvenile osteochondrosis bear a similar clinical picture to an adult disease.
Generation with a head down
Generation with a head down
Modern people can no longer imagine their life without a smartphone, tablet or laptop – with the help of these devices we get new information, read books, listen to music, communicate with friends, pay bills, make purchases and much more. On everage we spend in an online environment from 2 to 5 hours a day, and freelancers (people working online) spend from 10 to 12 hours.
What to do if a child does not obey at the age of 2
What to do if a child does not obey at the age of 2
The age of 2 is a difficult period for a child and its parents. The baby is actively developing vital skills of movement, self-service and, of course, speech. Normally, the 2 years old child clearly understands adult speech, performs basic instructions, and points at the named objects.
For parents’ information
For parents’ information
Calendar, with which we compare our life, schedule vacation, wedding, housewarming, school entering, its graduation is not suitable for all occasions.
Child’s Heavy Breathing
Child’s Heavy Breathing
Child’s heavy breathing: causes, symptoms, are they worth paying attention? The child is breathing heavily. Many parents do not pay attention, and this can be one of the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction syndrome (ADS). Let’s consider the causes, symptoms of сhild’s heavy breathing.
Teen’s cervical crunch
Teen’s cervical crunch
Nowadays cervical crunch is often observed with adolescents. Usually parents do not know how to react to such phenomena: wait until everything passes by itself or immediately ring the alarm? Let’s consider the reasons of cervical crunch in adolescents, the diseases it may indicate and the ways of its treating.
The allergy is one of the most common diseases of mankind. According to WНO statistics, about 45% of the population suffer from allergy, and this percentage is growing every year.
Migraine diet
Migraine diet
Many people know first-hand what the “migraine” is. About 30% of the adult population of the world is familiar with this raging headache.
How to distinguish ARVI from influenza?
How to distinguish ARVI from influenza?
Annually in the autumn-spring period, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and, in particular, influenza increases. And the overall hypothermia, seasonal decrease in immunity, and enhanced susceptibility to viruses contribute to this.
The child does not speak at the age of 2: reasons and treatment
The child does not speak at the age of 2: reasons and treatment
A two years old child does not speak: reasons, symptoms; is it worth visiting a neurologist? Normally, upon reaching this age, the kid should actively communicate with parents and relatives, otherwise this may be a sign of psycho-speech development delay.
Unusual syndromes
Unusual syndromes
Alice in Wonderland syndrome. In this neurological condition, a person hardly separates objects by size, considering everything as tiny (micropsia) or huge (macropsia) relative to actual size. Such a disorder may be the initial signal of infection with Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis)
About gluten
About gluten
The coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease that is often described as a digestive disorder due to the damage of small intestine walls.
The neuralgia of trigeminal nerve
The neuralgia of trigeminal nerve
The trigeminal nerve neuralgia (trigeminal neuralgia) is characterized by acute excruciating pain along the affected branch of the trigeminal nerve on the face.
Intercostal neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia
Міжреберна невралгія (або «грудний радикуліт») – це досить поширена патологія, яка часто зустрічається в клінічній практиці лікаря – невролога. Цей тип невралгії пов’язаний з роздратуванням, запаленням або компресією міжреберних нервів і проявляється в основному болем.
Occipital nerve neuralgia
Occipital nerve neuralgia
Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is one of the frequent causes of headache in the occipital region.
15 Tips of healthy and proper nutrition
15 Tips of healthy and proper nutrition
When it comes to healthy eating, many people understand this expression not wholly true. It is not the exhaustion by hunger; rather, the meaning of this phrase is to make a person feel great, energetic and in good spirits, consuming certain foods.
Dietary habits in winter
Dietary habits in winter
In cold season it is necessary to pay close attention to your own diet, because the rational, well-balanced and proper nutrition is the most effective and simple preventive method of cold-related diseases.
Symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis
Symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis
Lumbar osteochondrosis is characterized by painful symptoms of varying intensity and localization. At the initial stages, the osteochondrosis is usually asymptomatic; the pain appears only at the second stage of disease. We suggest you to familiarize yourself with the most frequent options of spine pathology behaviour.
Chronic cerebrovascular disturbance
Chronic cerebrovascular disturbance
The brain needs a constant supply of blood, which brings oxygen and nutrients to it. The nutrition of each nerve cell (neuron) is provided by many large vessels and small capillaries from two arterial systems (the pool of internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries).
Spine therapy
Spine therapy
“No matter what kind of disease a person has, start the treatment from the back, then look what’s left and heal him completely” – Hippocrates. This phrase is a kind of “Bersenev’s Medical Centre” motto, because, as you know, most human diseases are directly or indirectly related to the state of spine and nervous system.
Radiculitis (radiculopathy)
Radiculitis (radiculopathy)
The term “radiculitis” is very often used by neurologists to describe the pronounced pain syndrome in the back during compression or strangulation of the spinal cord roots. This word is a derivative of two words (lat. Radix – root and it, itis – inflammation).
Headache or cerebralgia
Headache or cerebralgia
Headache is one of the most frequent complaints at the appointment with a therapist or neurologist, and it affects both men and women, regardless of age.
The back pain
The back pain
Most of people know very well, what the back pain is, because it caught up each of us at least once in a life. Some even tried to cope with this pain on their own, without visiting the doctor. It is not the right decision, because a wide variety of pathologies can hide under the mask of back pain; and self-medication can only worsen your condition.
Spinal column self-diagnosis
Spinal column self-diagnosis
An ancient proverb says: “A man is as young as his spine young is.” According to experts, only one of 150 people is a happy owner of healthy and flexible spine. Are you among them? It is not difficult to check using simple functional tests that are easy to do on your own.
Danger of falling on the tailbone
Danger of falling on the tailbone
Many people do not even think that the cause of aching lumbar pain may be a former fall on the tailbone on slippery surface. After all, as is usually happens: a person slipped, fell down, got up, shook snow off and ran his own way. The lower back discomfort in the next two or three days is still felt.
Abrupt wakeup is harmful!
Abrupt wakeup is harmful!
Everyone knows that a good night’s sound sleep is necessary to maintain normal functioning of all the internal body systems, to normalize metabolic processes, to rally and rest. Moreover, the important condition for sound sleep is the way you wake up.
Smoking weakens the ability to endure pain
Smoking weakens the ability to endure pain
The scientists from the University Clinic of Northern Norway conducted an interesting experiment, which shows the effect of smoking on the pain sensitivity level. Until now, there have been contradictory opinions in medicine about this

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