“Bersenev’s Medical Center” is practicing in spine, joints and nervous system diseases treatment.

Bersenev’s Medical Center and his ancestor Institute of Pain Related Problems were founded by Bersenev Volodymyr Andriiovych – Honored Doctor of Ukraine, a high level certificate neuropathologist, the author of a fundamentally new metameric approach in the nervous system and musculoskeletal system disorders treatment.
Since the day of foundation in 1995 the medical center has been constantly improving – at the beginning there were two separate units for children and adults health care delivery. The staff increased over the years, all new technologies were introduced to provide medical service, and in 2012 Volodymyr Andriiovych had the idea of creating a single medical center that unites both children’s and adult departments. Everything was thought out with loving care for people; construction works lasted almost two years, because attention to details is a distinctive feature of Dr. Bersenev strain. Thus, in April 2014 a new Bersenev’s Medical Center was opened in the center of Kiev near Lvivska Square at 10-B, Bul’varno-Kudriavska (Vorovskoho) Str. His Holiness Philaret, Metropolitan of Kyiv has solemnly opened our institution.
On our site you can get acquainted with the details of the metameric treatment method in children’s and adult departments, the list of diacrises we treat, treatment cost. A very popular page is “Questions and Answers”, where everyone can get an answer to a question about treatment. We also offer you to purchase Dr. Bersenev’s books online in the “Books” section. Particular attention should be paid to the page “Foundation”, where you can help a specific child to collect the necessary amount of money for his/her treatment.
Bersenev’s Medical Center provides non-surgical treatment of spine and joints according to Bersenev, author of a metameric treatment method, which combines neuroreflexotherapy with the microdose injection of medicine. Due to metameric technologies, it is possible to treat and correct such complex diseases as hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, stenosis of the spinal canal, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, multiple neurodystrophic complications of osteochondrosis (humeropathy periarthrosis, epicondylosis, ankle periarthrosis, heel spurs, etc.). Very often, these diseases are secondary, so the treatment of joints and the improvement of their function directly depend on the spine condition.
One should remember that the back treatment requires an obligatory complex and individual approach to each patient, and the physicians of Bersenev’s Medical Center adhere to this principle. For more than 25 years we have been treating the musculoskeletal system diseases and helping our customers to avoid surgery.
Spine and joints treatment is a long-term process which depends on the disease state, cartilaginous and bones tissue dystrophy degree, rate of metabolic and restorative processes, patient’s age and body weight, lifestyle, habits, and the patient’s desire to recover . In addition, during the treatment it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions and to avoid hypothermia, sudden movements, etc.
The neurology clinic in the city center is open to the visitors daily, except Sundays, from 8.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. (on Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.). Even on holidays our medical center stays guarding and ready to welcome patients with acute pain.
Back treatment is carried out in the most comfortable conditions, metameric treatment sessions are carried out ONLY by the doctors-physicians. In our center patients can also use the massage therapists’ services, get necessary outpatient procedures (as prescribed by the doctor), visit the family medical doctor, psychologist and physical rehabilitation therapist.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the metameric treatment by Dr. Bersenev is carried out ONLY within the walls of our medical center – we do not have any affiliated branches in any other cities of Ukraine. So be careful and avoid swindlers who appear to present themselves as Dr. Bersenev’s students. We do not hold any responsibility for after-effects of such a “treatment”!
Our neurology clinic is located at: Kiev, 10-B, Bul’varno-Kudriavska Str. (formerly existed as Vorovskoho Str.).
Rely your health on genuine professionals!
We wish you a good health, the staff of the Bersenev’s Medical Center.