Clinical treatment program
The combination of acupuncture of gradient zones (zones of maximum biological activity) of the affected metamer with simultaneous injection of medicinal treatment with neuroprotective and neuroregenerative effects form the basis of metameric technologies developed by Dr. Bersenev.
The basic drug is Cerebrolysin, which is a nerve cell split into biologically active amino acids and peptides. Cerebrolysin is produced in Austria and Germany. There are practically no contraindications for its use. It is not allowed to insert Cerebrolysin during the attack of epilepsy. If necessary, other certification medications with neurotrophic and neurometabolic activity are used (Ceraxon, B vitamins, Nucleo-CMP, Neuromidine, Cortexin, and others). In total, about 15 drugs are used in the children’s division of the clinic. Thus, a “building material” is actually inserted into the affected nerve structures, thereby improving and normalizing the function of the nervous system.
Metameric injections directly impact on the nervous system. Injections are directed to body areas and structures that have lost their natural functions. We usually inject medications into the child’s legs and arms, in the neck area and shoulder blades. If necessary we provide face injections to restore the brain stem functions (speech!) through the receptor fields of the trigeminal nerve. In the same way, it is possible to normalize salivation, because, due to the dysfunctions of child’s facial nerve the paralyzed lips do not “hold” saliva. Due to this abnormality some newborns do not take breast, do not suck and swallow well.
Multiple puncture of compromised areas leads to the normalizing of all three types of disorders – sensory, reflex and trophic. For metameric injections we use disposable syringes with short and thin needles, so the pain of medical procedures is reduced to a minimum. There are practically no contraindications to metameric injections.
Treatment sessions and therapy regimen
Regeneration of the nervous system is a complex and long-lasting process. All tissues of the human body (except teeth) are able to regenerate, but at different times. The skin grows over the course of weeks; the bones grow back together over the months. It takes years to restore the nervous system. This topic has always caused a lot of controversy among neuroscientists. Despite popular belief that the nerve cells do not restore, there are several mechanisms of regeneration. Indeed, most neurons are not fissive, but the nerve cells can also appear from their predecessors. In addition, there exist the notion of “sprouting” – growth, branching of the axon in the place of its damage. The truth is that the recovery rate is limited by slow remyelination processes of the nerve fiber, and this process can take several years. But it is not worth denying the ability of the nervous system for self-restoration.
Treatment sessions by the metameric method are short, lasting 20-30 seconds, one session a day or every other day. The duration of the treatment course is determined individually, an average of 5 – 7 sessions. During the first year of treatment within the clinic the child receives 3-4 courses of metameric injections (every three months). In future the number of courses of metameric injections depends on child’s recovery dynamics.
Home treatment program
After completing the clinical treatment program (a course of metameric injections), the home treatment program begins (post-hospital rehabilitation period). It is developed for each child individually, taking into account the diagnosis, disease severity, the degree of physical and psychoverbal development delay, comorbidity, age, and a number of other causes and factors.
These recommendations are issued to a child’s parents in a writing form and for the next few years become an individual implementation guidance of rehabilitation methods at home.
The recommendations also contain a detailed medication dosage regimen, compiled by the attending physician. A special place in the recommendations is occupied by the scheme of metameric acupressure (point massage), which has a powerful reflex effect on the metamer structure. After each course of treatment, the recommendations are corrected and are handed out again.
The home treatment program is simple, effective and does not require special prior training and knowledge.
The most important thing is to conscientiously follow the recommendations of the attending doctor, indicated in the prescriptions schedule, and to follow a certain sequence and frequency of medical procedures.
Treatment effect
Accurately determined diagnose provides an opportunity to begin treatment as early as possible and gives a better recovery chance.
If the treatment and rehabilitation start within the first six months of life, there are all the prerequisites for the fact that the child will be able to completely get rid of a serious illness with a minimum number of treatment sessions. When parents come to our medical center within the first year of a child’s life, there is every reason to say that a baby can catch up with their peers in mental and physical development.
The medical process based on our developments is very effective. Recovery of the nervous system is slow and requires a lot of effort both from the attending physician and from the child’s parents. One should note that the result directly depends not only on the time of treatment start, but also on the fulfillment of all the recommendations of attending physician in a certain sequence and compatibility. The result in treatment can be achieved faster, and its consequences will be more effective when both concerned parties (the doctor and the child loved ones) harmoniously cooperate with each other.