The compulsive movement syndrome is a children’s nervous system disorder, which appears as a series of simple repeating motions. Such movements include finger sucking, nibbling, frequent blinking, wiggling, rocking or turning, grinding of teeth, shoulders twitching, forehead skin wrinkling, etc. Often the movements are respirator by nature, including frequent coughing, "snorting" or "sniffing". It is impossible to list all the possible movements - they are always individual. The main feature that unites all these movements is their regular, annoying repetition. In addition, this can be accompanied by emotional disorders, tearfulness, sleep disorders, appetite loss, impaired productivity, and attention or concentration failures.
The fragile child's mentality is very sensitive to any stressful factors. Unfavorable situation at home or at school, parents’ quarrels or a strong fear, moving to another city, transfer to another school, overwork, a huge amount of information, a lot of noise can be very stressful for a child. In general, any change of scenery, habitual living or environment can lead to the formation of such an unpleasant disease as a compulsive movement neurosis. Neurosis affects children of different ages.
In order to understand whether a child suffers from a repetitive movement neurosis, it is necessary to observe his/her behavior and motions for some period of time. If you notice your child having a compulsive movement neurosis, do not panic and abuse him/her by no means. The child is absolutely not guilty. Moreover, try not to lay the child's stress on this matter; it is better to contact with an expert who will help you to get rid of this condition in a gently manner. The constant repetition of the same movements that interfere with the child’s normal activity is the reason for your concern.
In any case, it is necessary to consult a pediatric neurologist for a professional consultation, diagnosis and treatment. It must be remembered that the compulsive movement neurosis is fixable and in most cases this condition is therapy amenable.
Unfortunately, pediatric neurologists often prescribe potent medication for treating this impairment. Our doctors’ treatment method of the “Bersenev Medical Center” is aimed at a comprehensive soft treatment and correction of this state. General metameric massage, speech apparatus metameric massage, psychological correction - the methods applied in our clinic that allow to get rid of unmotivated repeating movements interfering with the child’s normal development. In some cases metameric reflexotherapy is used to increase the treatment effectiveness for this category of children.
The qualitative and effective compulsive movement neurosis treatment in "Bersenev's Medical Centre" allows achieving the improvement of the child's condition within a short period of time.
To make an appointment for a consultation or a treatment session, please, call (044) 272-11-82 (children’s department) or (044) 238-22-31 (call centre). Remember, the sooner you address our physicians, the better result you will get.
Oleksandr Shevchuk
Maister Leonid
Stanislav Kurtosmanov
Beloshitsky Mikhail Andreevich
Детский невролог — специализируется на лечении болезней, связанных с поражением центральной и периферической нервной системы, а также функциональными нарушениями у детей.
Как правило, в первый месяц рождения, врачи направляют родителей на принудительную консультацию к детскому неврологу в клинике, даже если он родился полностью здоровым, и не обладает какими-либо нарушениями связанных с нервной системой. Кроме того, также необходимы регулярные повторные осмотры, на протяжении следующих этапов жизни.
The term “cerebral palsy” combines a group of syndromes resulting from underdevelopment or brain damage (often combined with spinal cord injury in the cervical spine) during the prenatal, intranatal and early postnatal periods.
The term “cerebral palsy” combines a group of syndromes resulting from underdevelopment or brain damage (often combined with spinal cord injury in the cervical spine) during the prenatal, intranatal and early postnatal periods.
The term “cerebral palsy” combines a group of syndromes resulting from underdevelopment or brain damage (often combined with spinal cord injury in the cervical spine) during the prenatal, intranatal and early postnatal periods.
The term “cerebral palsy” combines a group of syndromes resulting from underdevelopment or brain damage (often combined with spinal cord injury in the cervical spine) during the prenatal, intranatal and early postnatal periods.
Perinatal involvements of the central nervous system are those pathological conditions that arise under the influence of many negative factors affecting the growth and fetus development in the perinatal period.
Perinatal involvements of the central nervous system are those pathological conditions that arise under the influence of many negative factors affecting the growth and fetus development in the perinatal period.
Organic central nervous system lesions are a group of various neuropsychic disorders resulting from the influence of pathological factors upon the brain at different stages of ontogenetic development. This pathology has many behaviour options and various pathogenesis.
Organic central nervous system lesions are a group of various neuropsychic disorders resulting from the influence of pathological factors upon the brain at different stages of ontogenetic development. This pathology has many behaviour options and various pathogenesis.
During the birth the infant experiences a great physical exertion when passing through the maternal passages. The newborn’s skeletal system is different from the adult person skeletal system – it is characterized by special flexibility in order to go through this passage without consequences. Thus the newborn babies have an increased chance of receiving a birth trauma of cervical spine during the process of delivery.
During the birth the infant experiences a great physical exertion when passing through the maternal passages. The newborn’s skeletal system is different from the adult person skeletal system – it is characterized by special flexibility in order to go through this passage without consequences. Thus the newborn babies have an increased chance of receiving a birth trauma of cervical spine during the process of delivery.
Peripheral nervous system birth trauma is the damage of nerve roots, nerve plexus, peripheral and cerebral nerves affected by an external mechanical agent during childbirth. The force of such an impact far exceeds the endurance limit of
In recent decades, more and more children have a diagnosis “Psychoverbal development delay”. The statistics are inexorable. And the sooner a psychoverbal development delay or speech delay is detected, the greater the chances for child’s treating are.
In recent decades, more and more children have a diagnosis “Psychoverbal development delay”. The statistics are inexorable. And the sooner a psychoverbal development delay or speech delay is detected, the greater the chances for child’s treating are.
In recent decades, more and more children have a diagnosis “Psychoverbal development delay”. The statistics are inexorable. And the sooner a psychoverbal development delay or speech delay is detected, the greater the chances for child’s treating are.
In recent decades, more and more children have a diagnosis “Psychoverbal development delay”. The statistics are inexorable. And the sooner a psychoverbal development delay or speech delay is detected, the greater the chances for child’s treating are.
Muscle tone is a slight muscle tension, which is necessary for their quick inclusion in working condition. It is the level of tone that determines the readiness of the muscle complex to perform motor functions. For each period of child’s development there exist physiological standards of tonic activity.
Muscle tone is a slight muscle tension, which is necessary for their quick inclusion in working condition. It is the level of tone that determines the readiness of the muscle complex to perform motor functions. For each period of child’s development there exist physiological standards of tonic activity.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) – is a severe genetic neuromuscular disease caused by a defect in the SMN 1 gene.
The gene is responsible for the synthesis of the SMN protein, which ensures the survival of motoneurons – motor neurons of the spinal cord. In patients with SMA protein is produced less than the required amount, and motoneurons are destroyed without it. As a result, the muscles do not receive the right signals from the brain, they atrophy and gradually weaken, and then paralysis occurs.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) – is a severe genetic neuromuscular disease caused by a defect in the SMN 1 gene.
The gene is responsible for the synthesis of the SMN protein, which ensures the survival of motoneurons – motor neurons of the spinal cord. In patients with SMA protein is produced less than the required amount, and motoneurons are destroyed without it. As a result, the muscles do not receive the right signals from the brain, they atrophy and gradually weaken, and then paralysis occurs.
Myopathies are hereditary diseases, which are based on the muscle fiber damage and, as a consequence, the emergence of a progressive musclular dystrophy (atrophy).
Myopathies are hereditary diseases, which are based on the muscle fiber damage and, as a consequence, the emergence of a progressive musclular dystrophy (atrophy).
Myelopathy is a neurological term used to describe all kinds of spinal cord lesions. Myelopathy is usually a chronic disease.
Myelopathy is a neurological term used to describe all kinds of spinal cord lesions. Myelopathy is usually a chronic disease.
Among the mental disorders that occur in childhood, neurotic disorders account for 65%. Neurotic disorders (neuropathy, neurosis, neurasthenia, childish nervousness) in children manifest themself with a wide range of clinical symptoms, among which autonomic dysfunction and emotional disorders are the first.
Among the mental disorders that occur in childhood, neurotic disorders account for 65%. Neurotic disorders (neuropathy, neurosis, neurasthenia, childish nervousness) in children manifest themself with a wide range of clinical symptoms, among which autonomic dysfunction and emotional disorders are the first.
Juvenile (adolescent) osteochondrosis is a disease that is based on degenerative-dystrophic changes of intervertebral discs in adolescence. These changes are caused by the teens’ rapid growth, possible skeleton formation disorders, as well as inadequate physical activity on the growing spine. Osteochondrosis can develop in case of wearing a heavy bag on one shoulder and long sitting in an unnatural pose while studying.
Juvenile (adolescent) osteochondrosis is a disease that is based on degenerative-dystrophic changes of intervertebral discs in adolescence. These changes are caused by the teens’ rapid growth, possible skeleton formation disorders, as well as inadequate physical activity on the growing spine. Osteochondrosis can develop in case of wearing a heavy bag on one shoulder and long sitting in an unnatural pose while studying.
With the development of a number of natural sciences (genetics, biochemistry, embryology, general biology, etc.), more and more importance is attached to genetic factors, which are considered to be the cause of more than half of cases of psycho-speech development disorders. This primarily includes the chromosome set pathology. Currently, more than 200 types of chromosomal aberrations are being described, causing psycho-speech development delay and mental retardation.
With the development of a number of natural sciences (genetics, biochemistry, embryology, general biology, etc.), more and more importance is attached to genetic factors, which are considered to be the cause of more than half of cases of psycho-speech development disorders. This primarily includes the chromosome set pathology. Currently, more than 200 types of chromosomal aberrations are being described, causing psycho-speech development delay and mental retardation.
Autonomic dysfunction is the common name for all the autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunctions, which lead to a “failure” in the work of internal parts and body systems.
Autonomic dysfunction is the common name for all the autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunctions, which lead to a “failure” in the work of internal parts and body systems.
Posture is a natural habitual posture of a person, which depends on the spine condition, muscular-ligament apparatus, environment, general well-being, and heredity. This is a complex notion determined by a variety of factors and revealing not just the physical condition of a person, but also a psychical one.
Posture is a natural habitual posture of a person, which depends on the spine condition, muscular-ligament apparatus, environment, general well-being, and heredity. This is a complex notion determined by a variety of factors and revealing not just the physical condition of a person, but also a psychical one.
Posture is a natural habitual posture of a person, which depends on the spine condition, muscular-ligament apparatus, environment, general well-being, and heredity. This is a complex notion determined by a variety of factors and revealing not just the physical condition of a person, but also a psychical one.
Posture is a natural habitual posture of a person, which depends on the spine condition, muscular-ligament apparatus, environment, general well-being, and heredity. This is a complex notion determined by a variety of factors and revealing not just the physical condition of a person, but also a psychical one.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a quite common disease that is based on the central nervous system dysfunction (mainly the brain reticular formation).
The autism is a child’s mental development disorder, which is characterized by a lack of communication and speech and motor disorders.
The autism is a child’s mental development disorder, which is characterized by a lack of communication and speech and motor disorders.
The autism is a child’s mental development disorder, which is characterized by a lack of communication and speech and motor disorders.
The autism is a child’s mental development disorder, which is characterized by a lack of communication and speech and motor disorders.
A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.
A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.
A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.
A speech is a reflection of thinking; it is a system. If there are problems with oral speech, then there will be difficulties with the thoughts formation, the ability to analyse, speculate, build logic chains, and also there will be some difficulties with reading and writing. A violation in one speech link is enough to make the whole system start to function incorrectly.
Many articles have already been written about the undoubted massage benefits, and it has long been known that this is one of healing means, along with sports and nutrition. Massage helps to recover from stress quickly and avoid diseases associated with constant nervous tension, relieves pain points, and relaxes tense muscles. It also reduces anxiety, normalizes the blocked energy flow, enhances the immune system functions, and restores a sense of calm and well-being. This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle.
The spine, keeping the whole skeleton in an upright position, is the core of both the whole organism and our Personality.
At the “Bersenev’s Medical Center” all patients can get a qualified individual consultation of the family physician Petlytska Victoria Vitaliivna, a specialist with decades of experience in this field.
Victoria Vitaliivna had gotten a special multi-field speciality training of “family medicine”.
Neurofunctional research methods help the clinician-neurologist to confirm the diagnosis, determine the degree and nature of lesion, choose the optimal treatment tactics and correct the possibilities of restoring the affected structures of central and peripheral nervous system.
Infusion therapy (intravenous administration of solutions of various drugs into the body) is currently one of the most important medical measures aimed to solve a wide range of medical problems. This method of treatment exists since the 30s of the XIX century.
This method of treatment allows you to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect, as the medicine enters directly into the bloodstream, and also allows you to control its action more effectively.
Kinesio taping is the imposition and fixation of special elastic bands on the child’s skin for several days in order to provide physiological movements of the joints and muscles, activating the processes of recovery and movement control. Kinesio tapes are elastic cotton tapes coated with an acrylic-based hypoallergenic adhesive gel.
В нашем Медицинском Центре Вы можете получить изготовить индивидуальные ОРТЕЗЫ из термопластичного низкотемпературного материала.
Ортезы — это специальные ортопедические приспособления, предназначенные для коррекции, стабилизации и компенсации нарушений опорно-двигательной системы. Ортезы обеспечивают защиту и разгрузку суставов, создавая для них внешнюю поддержку. Ортезы -незаменимые помощники в лечении и реабилитации.
Neuropsychology arose at the intersection of medicine and psychology. This is a section of psychology that studies the brain organization of mental processes: attention, memory, perception, speech, motor skills, thinking, and emotional responses.
Neuropsychology arose at the intersection of medicine and psychology. This is a section of psychology that studies the brain organization of mental processes: attention, memory, perception, speech, motor skills, thinking, and emotional responses.
Масаж артикуляційного апарату або логопедичний масаж – це метод механічного впливу, який змінює стан м’язів, нервів, кровоносних судин і тканин артикуляційного апарату.
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