Massage of the speech apparatus or logopedic massage is a method of mechanical impact, which changes the condition of the muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the speech apparatus. With the help of a logopedic massage, the serious speech disorders can be corrected and completely eliminated - from stammering to partial and even complete loss of speech. The method helps to correct the speech, its emotional colouring, a correct pronunciation of the sounds and normalizes the psychoemotional state of a person.
The logopedic massage is included in the complex of medical and pedagogical system of child and adolescents rehabilitation. Also this method is actively used for adults with speech and tone disorders of the speech apparatus muscles; such disorders arise as a result of the stroke, craniocerebral trauma and stressful situations.
This massage can be realized three months after the new-born’s babbling. From two years, it is possible to carry out a finger-type logopedic massage (with the help of a special purpose tool). It is especially important to do a logopedic massage at the age of 5-6: the correct speech will help the child to adapt more easily at school.
In our clinic we practice several types of logopedic massage:
- classical manual;
- metameric (the stimulation is oriented at the active reflexogenic zones, which are associated with speech centres in the brain);
- Bougie logopedic massage (is carried out with professional tools, which allow stimulating precisely the necessary parts of the speech apparatus).
- vibromassage (the articulatory organs oriented impact with a Z-Vibe professional electromasser applied to the articulatory organs);
- fingers-massage (activates the speech centres of the brain; it is a method of developing speech and improving gross and fine motoric of the hand)
Indications for a speech therapy massage
- disturbances in sound pronunciation (dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia, alalia, stammering, etc.;
- delayed speech and mental development,
- lack of emotionality in speech;
- hyper/hypotonus of the articulatory muscles (cerebral palsy);
- autism;
- hypersalivation (excessive salivation) and other neurological diseases.
The logopedic massage helps to activate the muscles of the speech apparatus, to form the correct swallowing reflex, to coordinate the tongue movements, to stimulate the transmission of the impulses to the cerebral cortex.
Contraindications for the logopedic massage:
- any inflammatory disease (ARVI, sore throat, stomatitis, candidiasis, herpes, etc.);
- dermatomycosis;
- open wounds.
Which stages comprises the logopedic massage in the clinic?
The massage begins with a general (warming) massage of the face. After the face muscles are prepared, the next stage comes - massage of the "problem zones". Further, a manual logopedic massage is used for a deeper stimulation of particular areas. One of the main points of logopedic massage is a massage of the tongue, because this is the most important articulatory organ. The tools for logopedic massage are sterile. The session ends up with a metameric massage according to the method of Dr. Bersenev. The whole procedure lasts from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the age, tasks and the degree of speech disorder. The treatment is conducted in the form of courses, for 10-15 sessions. A break between the courses should be up to 2-3 months (depending on the clinical situation) to fix the achieved results.
At our clinic the logopedic massage is conducted by an experienced speech therapist-pathologist, psychologist. The treatment is carried out in a game-form, in a separately equipped room. An important factor is the removal of the psychological stress, which provides a good result of the exercises and massage.
The auxiliary techniques such as music therapy, fairytale therapy, logopedic rhythmic, and finger massage are used during the logopedic massage too. Parents also learn the basic skills in conducting of classical speech therapy at home.
The effectiveness of the logopedic massage
The health benefit of the logopedic massage has been proved by many generations. It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient. The massage of facial muscles improves blood supply - and the tissues nutrition as a result; it also causes the acceleration of the metabolic processes, the improvement of the elasticity and articulation; the spasms pass and the movement of all organs of the speech apparatus is restored.
Normally patients notice the positive dynamics already during the first course, but the result of the treatment largely depends on the diagnosis, age and other individual characteristics.