Many articles have already been written about the undoubted massage benefits, and it has long been known that this is one of healing means, along with sports and nutrition. Massage helps to recover from stress quickly and avoid diseases associated with constant nervous tension, relieves pain points, and relaxes tense muscles. It also reduces anxiety, normalizes the blocked energy flow, enhances the immune system functions, and restores a sense of calm and well-being. This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle.
In the "Bersenev's Medical Center" our patients have the opportunity to undergo a course of specific massage, METAMERIC ACUPRESSURE, which affects directly the nerve trunks, spinal ganglia, trigger points, and the main reflexogenic zones of the compromised metamer.
The acupressure had originated in ancient times in the eastern countries. Even the ancient doctors had discovered the local points on human body, which were described and systematized in the certain lines, channels and meridians. They had also described the functional interrelation between the points and the body organs and systems. These points were affected by the sharp stones, needles, wormwood cigarettes, through the finger pressure; a various kinds of wands, instruments and devices from different materials - ebonite, fluoroplastic, metal (steel, copper, gold, silver, titanium) were used at a later stage.
Depending on the local point technique, the method may be stimulating or sedative. For example, with a muscle tone increase, with contractures, spastic paralysis, cerebral palsy, as well as with the muscular pain, the “inhibitory”, “sedative” method of acupressure is used. With reduced tone, muscle atrophy, neuritis of individual major trunks, paresis, a “stimulating” (tonic, stimulating) acupressure technique is used.
Acupressure has a positive effect on the various organs functions and systems: it soothes or stimulates the nervous system, increases blood circulation, improves the tissues nutrition, regulates the endocrine glands activity, relieves pain, and reduces muscle tension. Separation of acupressure on neurotruncular, perivascular, sclerozone, muscular, etc. – is somewhat relative. During the nerve trunk massage, for example, the receptor fields of vessels, muscles, and periosteum occur simultaneously, as a result of which somatic and vegetative ganglia affect the various body functions.
During the massage, when pressing on the active points, the patient may experience a feeling of aches, tearing, “crawling”, numbness, slight pain, all this is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and ease.
Metameric acupressure is a unique and even more advanced technique of acupressure massage, taking into account all the laws of neurometameric body innervation.
This kind of massage is included into the complex method of metameric treatment; it is an obligatory part of the treatment program, complementing the effect of metameric injections
The method of metameric acupressure, which is developed by V.A. Bersenev, is theoretically substantiated by numerous scientific works, and the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by many years of practice.
The massage therapists, who work in "Bersenev's Medical Center", have previously trained this type of massage; they also have an extensive experience of working with patients of the neurological profile.
Metameric acupressure is carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician and in the absence of contraindications.
To make an appointment for a consultation or a treatment session, please, call (044) 238-22-31 (call centre). The booking is carried out by previous appointment.
Entrust your body to qualified and experienced massage therapists and get the maximum result from the procedure at the “Bersenev’s Medical Center”!