This form of cerebral palsy has several names: atonic, atonic-astatic, ataxic. Along with double hemiplegia, it is one of the rarest and most difficult forms of treatment.
Hemiparetic cerebral palsy is one of the most common forms of cerebral palsy. This condition arises due to abnormal fetal development, which leads to brain damage.
Double hemiplegia is the rarest form of cerebral palsy. It occurs in 1.9% of patients. The most common form is spastic diplegia. Usually, motor function is affected, in some children intellectual abilities may suffer as well.
In recent years adolescents increasingly complain to parents and doctors about occasional blackouts in their eyes.
This condition is quite common, and it is not the reason for concern if happens rarely and briefly
Today we will speak about recovering of a person who has intervertebral disc herniation. To begin with, health in its entirety consists of triple systems teamwork
The age of 2 is a difficult period for a child and its parents. The baby is actively developing vital skills of movement, self-service and, of course, speech. Normally, the 2 years old child clearly understands adult speech, performs basic instructions, and points at the named objects.
Calendar, with which we compare our life, schedule vacation, wedding, housewarming, school entering, its graduation is not suitable for all occasions.
Nowadays cervical crunch is often observed with adolescents. Usually parents do not know how to react to such phenomena: wait until everything passes by itself or immediately ring the alarm? Let’s consider the reasons of cervical crunch in adolescents, the diseases it may indicate and the ways of its treating.
The child does not speak sentences. What shall we do? What are the reasons?
Sometimes teenagers suffer from back pain. Most parents think that the child has pulled a muscle or is just tired. First of all, these are spine problems. Lumbar juvenile osteochondrosis bear a similar clinical picture to an adult disease.
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