Foundation’s Tasks
Foundation’s Objectives
Future of the Foundation
Ykhnov Dmytryi
Year of birth:29.10.2011
Need to collect: 55 400 grn
bilateral juvenile epiphyolysis of the femur
MoreHryhorenko Alisa
Year of birth:14.08.2008
Need to collect: 33 540 grn
Congenital dislocation of the hip. Dysarthria.
MoreParalova Sofia
Year of birth:21.07.2005
Need to collect: 20 680 grn
Spine early degenerative changes, protrusions
MoreSelivanova Milena
Year of birth:22.11.2016
Need to collect: 25 900 grn
Psycholinguistic development delay with a sufficient level of hearing
MoreTzarenkov Danylo
Year of birth:22.12.2016
Need to collect: 20 530 grn
Language development delay
MoreMakushenko Magnus
Year of birth:27.05.2014
Need to collect: 20 530 grn
autism spectrum disorder
MoreYakymenko Valeria
Year of birth:08.12.2012
Need to collect: 20 080 grn
cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia, scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine, flat valgus stop, motor allalia, symptomatic epilepsy, a period of clinical remission
MoreArzubov Konstiantyn
Year of birth:07.03.2007
Need to collect: 19 280 grn
childhood autism with hyperactivity, sensory alalia
MoreKostenko Zlata
Year of birth:23.01.2015
Need to collect: 18 900 grn
Chromosomal pathology. Severe cognitive deficit
MoreCherednichenko Alisa
Year of birth:10.04.2020
Need to collect: 22 380 grn
Crerebral pulsy
MoreNadiia and Liubov Pylypchuk
Year of birth:23.11.2009
Need to collect: 40 760 grn
Crerebral pulsy
MoreDobronos Veronika
Year of birth:16.02.2002
Need to collect: 32 380 grn
Crerebral pulsy
MoreLiashchuk Nazariy
Year of birth:27.10.2019
Crerebral pulsy
Sergienko Kyrylo and Sofia
Year of birth:(16.04.2008 г.) (10.04.2010 г.)
Sergienko Kyrylo – cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, liquorodynamic disorders syndrome, psycho-speech development delay. Sergienko Sofia – Down’s syndrome, psycho-speech development delay.
Аlyona M. Esaulenko
Year of birth:08.06.2006
Cerebral palsy, Spastic tetraparesis. Esotropia. Epileptic syndrome
Roman R. Virich
Year of birth:28.12.2010
congenital malformation of the spinal cord, dysfunction of the pelvic organs on peripheral type. Liquor-dynamic disturbances syndrome. Condition after LBO
Nadia O. Borysiuk
Year of birth:08.03.2011
Cerebral Palsy, double heliplegia
Bogdan A. Kalinyuk
Year of birth:02.03.2009
cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis
Maria V. Nosova
Year of birth:16.03.2013
multiple defects. Muscular hypotonia syndrome. All kinds of development delay
Anastasia O. Krokhmal
Year of birth:20.11.2010
cerebral palsy
Anna K. Kostrova
Year of birth:05.07.2008
cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, mainly affecting the legs, the delay of all types
Ivan M. Nesterenko
Year of birth:06.10.2010
cerebral palsy. Spastic diplegia. Drive contracture thighs. Flat equinovalgus. Convergent strabismus
Milana O. Petrova
Year of birth:06.08.2013
spastic tetraparesis with severe movement disorders as lack of self-seat and walking problems. PNDD
Mykola M. Misiura
Year of birth:08.09.2011
cerebral palsy, dyskinetic form, esotropia liquorodynamic disorders syndrome, symptomatic epilepsy
Mykola V. Drobiazko
Year of birth:17.05.2009
genetic leucoencephalopathy. Spastic tetraparesis. Hyperkinetic syndrome. Psychoverbal development delay
Yelyzaveta R. Suprun
Year of birth:23.08.2011
cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia, movement disorder of VI stage
Oleksandr V. Matvienko
Year of birth:15.10.2013
congenital hydrocephalus. Condition after liquor-shunting operation (17/03/2014). Removal of cyst (02/02/2015). Delay of all kinds of development
Matviy K. Repetylo
Year of birth:19.04.2014
congenital malformation of the central nervous system: severe hypoplasia of the frontal cortex and parietal lobes of the brain, hydrocephalus. The syndrome of motor disorders (pyramidal insufficiency, usually in the legs D>S). Delay staticmotor psyhoverbal and development. Episyndrom history
Artem O. Makukha
Year of birth:24.08.2014
cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. Psevdobulbar syndrome. Delay of all kinds. Perinatal encephalopathy. Natal trauma of cervical spine
Mykola V. Drobiazko
Year of birth:17.05.2009
genetic leucoencephalopathy. Spastic tetraparesis. Hyperkinetic syndrome. Psychoverbal development delay
Sofia V. Lutsyk
Year of birth:29.12.2012
cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, statokinetic and psychoverbal development delay, natal trauma of cervical spine
Evgeniy A. Grabovskyi
Year of birth:12.02.2003
Perinatal CNS pathology and SHVH. Syndrome of chronic vertebral-basilar insufficiency. Syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Systematic underdevelopment of speech
Roman R. Virich
Year of birth:28.12.2010
congenital malformation of the spinal cord, dysfunction of the pelvic organs on peripheral type. Liquor-dynamic disturbances syndrome. Condition after LBO
Nadia V. Zhembrovska
Year of birth:17.06.2010
Down’s syndrom
Nelia D. Panchenko
Year of birth:01.02.2007
Сerebral palsy
Kundiy Stanislav V.
Year of birth:06.08.2010
Cerebral Palsy. Spastic tetraparesis. Motor alalia. Cognitive failure. The condition after surgery leads to contractures of the left thigh.
Dumanskii Nazar
Year of birth:14.05.2015
cerebral palsy, dyskinetic form, delayed psycho-speech development
Nelia D. Panchenko
Year of birth:01.02.2007
Сerebral palsy
Gaidai Mykola
Year of birth:01.06.2014
cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, pseudobulbar syndrome, delay of psycho-speech development
Musiienko Natalia
Year of birth:07.09.2009
spinal muscular atrophy type 2
Ovezova Elyzaveta
Year of birth:03.06.2009
congenital malformation of the central nervous system in the form of hypogenesis of the corpus callosum, myelination disorder, liquorodynamic disorders syndrome, spasitic tetraparesis syndrome
Zaichenko Alisa
Year of birth:18.04.1987
cerebral palsy, hyperkinetic form, marked motor impairment, common spinal osteochondrosis, brachialgia, pain syndrome
Gryschenko Rostyslav
Year of birth:27.03.2015
cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, delayed state-motor and psycho-speech development, liquor-dynamic disorders syndrome, a consequence of hypoxic-ischemic CNS impression
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Contact center: 044 238-22-31
Address of the MEDICAL CENTER (FOUNDATION): 10-B, Bul’varno Kudriavs’ka Str., Kyiv
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– Statement (Download)
– Agreement (Download)
Vladimir Bersenev
Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, neurologist of the highest category,
founder of the Institute of Pain-Related Problems, founder of Bersenev’s Medical Center,
author of metameric techniques of treatment,
Member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine
Valentina Strilko
Ukrainian statesman and politician,
President of the International Foundation of Yaroslav the Wise,
Ph.D. in education
Olena Hryshchenko
Director Dr. Bersenev’s Chariatable institution. Member of The Board of Dr. Bersenev’s institution
Anna Plavenchuk
Member of The Board of Dr. Bersenev’s institution
Director of Bersenev’s Medical Center and the Institute of Pain-Related Problems
Vladislavа Kulik
Member of The Board of Dr. Bersenev’s institution
Chief physician of the children’s Department of the Institute of Pain-Related Problems,
child neurologist of the higher category.
Supervisory Board
Sergey Baranychenko
Chairman of the Board. Honored Worker of Ukrainian Aircraft
Vladimir Zholnerchyk
artist, sculptor
Dobrovolskaya Lilya
Fund members
Vladimir Zubkovsky
Social activist, collector
Irina Tkachenko
Musicologist, presenter at the National Radio of Ukraine, the head of public cultural organization “Yaryna”.
Victor Galasyuk
Ukrainian economist and public figure, President of the Ukrainian Association of the Club of Rome, Corresponding Member of the World Academy of Sciences and Arts, Doctor of Economics Founder of the Young Scientists Conference (YSC) and member of the Supervisory Board of the Kyiv International Economic Forum (KMEF)
Evgenij Simbirtzev
Lyudmila Bliznyuk
Deputy Director of Bersenev’s Medical Center
Thank you
The operation was successful
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