Alice in Wonderland syndrome. In this neurological condition, a person hardly separates objects by size, considering everything as tiny (micropsia) or huge (macropsia) relative to actual size. Such a disorder may be the initial signal of infection with Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis)
A two years old child does not speak: reasons, symptoms; is it worth visiting a neurologist? Normally, upon reaching this age, the kid should actively communicate with parents and relatives, otherwise this may be a sign of psycho-speech development delay.
Annually in the autumn-spring period, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and, in particular, influenza increases. And the overall hypothermia, seasonal decrease in immunity, and enhanced susceptibility to viruses contribute to this.
Many people know first-hand what the “migraine” is. About 30% of the adult population of the world is familiar with this raging headache.
The allergy is one of the most common diseases of mankind. According to WНO statistics, about 45% of the population suffer from allergy, and this percentage is growing every year.
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